Volunteers Needed

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army has been using a number of ROFFA Members to look after their Canteen Truck to supply food and beverages to the emergency crews at the major incidents throughout the Ottawa area. Until recently, we have provided this service under the supervision of retired District Chief Terry Thompson.
This program is very successful and is a wonderful public relations tool for ROFFA. We have assisted many organizations such as Police and Emergency Preparedness, both civic and provincial along with search & rescue.
We are asking ROFFA Members who are available to donate some spare time to help out. If you are available you can send us an e-mail and we will add you to our list. The work is not hard and you bring some warmth and kindness to our active membership. If you have special times that you are not available we can work these thing out. You may contact us through the ROFFA website at MarcMessier@ROFFA.ca or at Marc.Messier66@gmail.com .
Thanks for your consideration.

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Re: ROFFA Funeral and Memorial Volunteers:
Dear ROFFA Members,
Of the many traditions within the fire service, honouring the loss of an active or retired member regardless of their passing was line of duty, medical ailment or natural cause, fire fighters have rallied to ensure an honourable and dignified memorial service. During the October 17th AGM, our ROFFA Board reported on the establishment for a funeral and memorial protocol. This endeavour would be a joint process with our Ottawa Fire and Ottawa PFFA partners. This process began in early 2022 to address current OFS protocols to honour both active and retired members of the fire service. Amongst other procedures, these include but are not limited to, formal notification and announcements regarding the death of an active or retired member, flag raising/half-mast/ lowering etiquette, visitation, funeral/ burial arrangements, and other related memorial ceremonies.
Working with OFS leadership, the ROFFA executive have established funeral kits that include both a casket and urn pals. OFS has agreed to purchase said kits for OFS, OPFFA and ROFFA. The kits will be made available for fire service member related funerals.
To facilitate these protocols, we require support from our ROFFA membership. We are calling on members who would be willing to volunteer for funeral and memorial duties on request. For those interested, a full-dress uniform, complete with peak cap, tunic, pants, shirt, tie, shoes will be required. When necessary, white gloves will be provided. For those who volunteer and are missing parts of their dress uniform or require a complete ‘re-fit’, Ottawa Fire has agreed to facilitate a reasonable number of dress uniforms.
As death notifications are untimely, we are also seeking members who would be willing to act as a coordinator when ROFFA executives are unavailable to facilitate a visitation or funeral service. For those willing to assist, necessary ceremony briefing, and training will be provided.
For those members who maybe interested but have inquiries, please contact me directly at Johnsobey@roffa.ca.
John Sobey
Protocol Director
Retired Ottawa Fire Firefighters Association

OFS Honour Guard/ Colour Party
As new firefighters join our ranks the spectrum of ways to become further involved can sometimes be overwhelming. Many options are available and new staff are left with questions about where to devote their energies and passion. One such opportunity is steeped in respect and in tradition; it is called the Honour-Guard and Colour Party.
Although the Honour-Guard is mainly known for its participation in Line of Duty funerals and Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial Services, there is also a large variety of other events and ceremonies where their presence is appreciated. Traditions and protocols live on because men and women don uniforms to highlight a significant event in their community. Other events and ceremonies that “Respect the tradition” include;
City parades
Retirement parties
Firefighter last-day-at-work march-out
Recruit graduations
Local sporting events
Mayoral inaugurations
Award banquets
Charity events
Fire-station openings
Canada Day celebrations
Keys to the City Ceremonies
Remembrance Day Events
Ottawa Fire Services (OFS) has been involved in many different events and is regarded as a reputable service because we protect our Nation’s Capital. In turn, the Honour Guard is often requested to attend activities in Ottawa and elsewhere in the country. We are actively recruiting new members to help our Honour Guard maintain tradition and continue to be visible in our communities.
What does being of the Colour Guard entail?
According to Brampton Honour Guard Commander Jordan Paris
“The type of person who will best represent what the honour-guard division is all about is one who carries himself or herself respectfully and demonstrates an appreciation for appearance, etiquette, values and professionalism. Members of the honour guard should be cognizant of the fact that they represent not only their departments, but also their chiefs, their cities and their country while on duty in their uniforms.
What are the expectations and commitments related to the OFS Colour Guard?
Firstly, “The responsibility of an honour guard to its department is to continue to practise and maintain fire-service traditions and to represent the department with honour, integrity, pride and professionalism at all events and opportunities.” (Jordan Paris)
More specifically, if enlisted for the OFS Honour Guard one should expect to participate in practice sessions and volunteer 3-5 hours of their time 1/month. Be advised, certain months are busier than others - especially when yearly memorials and events are repeated annually.
Please ensure that your schedule allows for some flexibility and can accommodate the additional of another responsibility.
We hope you’ll consider becoming a part of this unit and help tradition live on.
Should anyone be interested in speaking to someone about the Honour Guard, please contact John Sobey at Johnsobey@roffa.ca.
Paul Hutt
Fire Chief
John Sobey
Honour and Colour Guard